COMPETITION: Entries for September 25th

September 25th Competition Entries

Photo Contest Pro is now open for your September 25 competition entries. The deadline for submitting images is Friday, Sept 22, at 11:59 PM.

The assigned subject for September is “Waterfalls.”

One change in categories has been made by the NHCC board.

Because of the large number of people competing in Class A open last season, it was decided to create a Class AA Open. Those members who finished in the top half of Class A last season will now compete in Class AA Open this season. The individuals who have been moved to Class AA open are: Denise Saldana, Paul Peterson, Barbara Vietzke, Carlotta Grenier, Norm Solomon, Jim Santerre, and Alice Liang. All others who competed in Class A open last season will continue to compete in Class A Open this season. The Class A Assigned Subject, Image Artistry, and Monochrome categories remain the same as last season.

If you have any questions, contact Paul Peterson –