Changes To Our Schedule

             Changes to the rest of the 21-22 Season 

The big change I am referring to is that the remainder of our programs and competitions will be on zoom.  With the Covid-19 rate rising almost every day (today 11.2%),  this seems to be the safest plan.  


May 9 - Padma Ingueva - "Vertoramas"    On ZOOM


May 16 - Jesse Thompson - "Backyard Safari: Birding"   On ZOOM  (Note change of speaker)


May 23 - Competition  (Assigned Subject is Star Trails)  On ZOOM


June 13 - End of Year Competition   On ZOOM


As usual Paul will be sending out the link for the zoom a couple of days ahead of time.  


Thank you all and I hope to see you at our meetings on zoom.  

