End of Year Awards and Image of the Year
Competition to be Held June 14 via Zoom
The Image of the Year Competition will be held via Zoom on Monday, June 14,
at 7 PM. The deadline to submit images is Wednesday, June 9.
Whether you can join us for the zoom meeting or not, you are still eligible to enter images into the competition.
Eligibility: Open category electronic photos, Image Artistry photos, Monochrome photos,
Assigned Subject photos entered into the year's competitions are eligible as follows:
1. Open - enter up to 4 images (from monthly open or assigned subject competitions)
2. Monochrome - enter up to 2 images (from the monthly monochrome competitions)
3. Image Artistry - enter up to 2 images (from the monthly image artistry competitions)
4. Joe DiChello Landscape/Seascape - enter up to 2 images (from any category)
5. Jane Sibley Nature Competition - enter up to 2 images (from any category)
This means you can enter up to 12 images.
Please Note:
1. Images must have been entered during the 2020-21 season.
2. The image did not have to win a ribbon.
3. NO duplicate images. Each photo may only be entered once in an end of
year competition. Example: If a photo is entered in one of the Open categories,
it may not be entered into the Nature competition or the Landscape/Seascape
4. Deadline is Wednesday, June 9, but please try to enter as early as possible
to give Paul Peterson time to organize the competition.
If you did not keep track of your images, the images are available for viewing on the NHCC website. Go to the Photographs tab. click on Photographers. Click on your name to find all of your images submitted this season.
You do NOT enter through Photo Contest Pro. Paul Peterson has all the images from this season. Email him - pmjpeterson@sbcglobal.net to give him your choices. Put
NHCC EOY Images in the subject line. In the body of the email, list all the images you wish to enter for each category.
For each image, list the category you want to enter (Class A Open, Class B Open, Class A Image Artistry, Class B Image Artistry, Class A Monochrome, Class B Monochrome, Joe DiChello Landscape/Seascape, Jane Sibley Nature). Then list the title, the month when the image was competed, and the original category in which it was competed. See example below.
To: pmjpeterson@sbcglobal.net
From: Happy Photographer
Subject: NHCC EOY Images
Enter into EOY Landscape/Seascape category
1. Pretty Sunset from September 2020 assigned subject
2. Blue Hour from November 2020 open
Enter into EOY Nature
1. Pretty Bird from May 2021 open
2. Canyonlands from October 2020 open
Enter into EOY Monochrome (B or A)
1. City Buildings from March 2021 monochrome
2. Little Girl from January 2021 monochrome
Enter into EOY Image Artistry (B or A)
1. Flower Power from September 2020 image artistry
2. Planets from February 2021 image artistry
Enter into EOY Open (B or A)
1. Falling Water from October 2020 open
2. Eagle from November 2020 open
3. Front Door from February 2021 assigned subject
4. Clouds from May 2021 assigned subject
If you have any questions, email Paul - pmjpeterson@sbcglobal.net
When he finally enters your images into the competition (this may take a few days), he will send you an email to confirm your entry.
Hope to see you and your images at the meeting.