Using a crystal ball is not just for fairy tale princesses. Many photographers use such a device to capture an inverted version of a scene that's in the background. But in this presentation, you’ll learn how to create unique graphic designs that will almost pop off the page. And they can be created indoors in your home or office.
Marie Altenburg’s Bio, in her own words:

When I left classroom teaching, my career did not end. Photography, which I have always enjoyed, has now become a major part of my life. Photography is a wonderful way to continue teaching while expressing my artistic side using all the new tools available to photographers. Not only do I create photographic art but I also teach and give presentations on the techniques I use. I have given these presentations in various locales around the country - on both the eastern and western coasts of the United States and from the north to the south. I look forward to each one and to the photographers I meet – either in person or virtually. Camera clubs, photographic conventions, and other organizations of interest to photographers are always welcome to contact me for this purpose. I enjoy meeting people and sharing my photographic techniques. I also judge camera club competitions and offer positive critiques to help others improve their photography. I am considered a master photographer although that term seems daunting because I am always learning new techniques and expanding my photographic vision.I have volunteered my services in various venues, including a summer camp for children experiencing the devastation of cancer.
My photographs have received awards in salons and galleries throughout the country, have appeared in magazines, and have been sold in museum gift shops.