iPhoneography Workshop March 9, 2021 via Zoom


iPhoneography Workshop


March 9, 2021, 7:00  On ZOOM


Presenter:  Jerry Hug is an award-winning photographer and a retired fine arts educator and administrator from the Maine Township Illinois High Schools. Jerry lectures and teaches at photographic conferences and workshops throughout the country. He is considered one of the go-to iPhone photography experts and is published in national journals. His work has produced permanent photo exhibits funded by the Illinois Arts Council featuring historical places in Park Ridge, Des Plaines and Niles, Illinois. 

Visit his website at Jerryhug.com

In order to get the most from this workshop, you need two apps: Snapseed and Retouch. Retouch is sometimes called Touch/Retouch (Snapseed is free while Retouch has a small fee.)

Prior to the workshop, I will send workshop attendees  two photos from Jerry.  We will work on these photos, on our own phone, with Jerry guiding us.

We are so appreciative that Jerry is giving his time and talent to the New Haven Camera Club at no charge.  Notedly, this workshop is the result of efforts from Denise Salana and Stephen Brenner.


Zoom Outline for iPhoneography


1. Purchasing your iPhone and what you need when you upgrade.

2. Setting up your cellphone for both quality photos and videos and how to hold and shoot in Manual Mode.

3. Add on external hardware and equipment for Mobile use. (If time how to shoot Infrared on your cellphone.)

4. My favorite applications (apps)

5. Organizing images for viewing and ‘Slideshows”

6. Traveling with only Mobile devices by Photography (advantages and limitations)

7. How I use specialized app for getting better results. Camera and Editing apps.

8. Using textures both handmade and purchased.

9. How I store my images on the devices and use iCloud.

10. Printing directly from the Mobile device to the best Canon or Epson printer

Sign up with Jan Doyle.  Email her at jmdteach@comcast.net with iPhoneography in the subject line.