How To Improve Your Photography
And Impress The Judges
The New Haven Camera Club has now had its first competition of the 2020-2021 season and some of our members may be wondering how to impress the judges in future competitions. Paul Peterson is going to conduct a workshop on Monday, October 19, at 7 PM, via Zoom, to discuss how we can improve our photography. He will discuss how good composition, better lighting, and creating dramatic impact can all work toward better photographs, the kind of photos that impress the judges.
Paul will present various types of photos to illustrate these points. He will also briefly discuss how the judges typically arrive at their scores. If individuals attending the workshop would like comments on some of their own images, they can attach them to an email and send the email to Paul prior to the workshop so he can organize them. This workshop should be especially helpful for our newer members but anyone can attend.
If you would like to attend, please contact Jan Doyle our workshop chairperson.
Phone: 203-481-9531