What a year 2020 has been so far!! Between the Pandemic and the recent tropical storm, we have all been challenged in many ways. However, we are beginning to look forward to the fall and the resumption of the New Haven Camera Club activities. In order to participate in the competitions, workshops and field trips, you must be a paid member of the club.
The membership application for 2020-21 can be found in the Blog under About Us or on the Website page (newhavencameraclub.org) under Membership.
You can download the membership application here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cbtUivT9B1iD4v8MKxNnE4iDz74Vq6PQ
Remember that you must be a paid member in order to compete, attend workshops, attend field trips, etc.
The dues remain the same as last year - $30 for an individual, $50 for a family and $10 for a student. To renew your membership please print out the form, sign it and send along with your check to:
Ann Yost, 163 Woodvale Road, West Haven, CT 06516.
We are looking forward to some excellent programs and lively competitions this year. Please join us!!
Ann Yost, Membership Chairperson