NHCC Field Trip to Studio 80+

This past Monday, August 10, thirteen brave photographers from the New Haven Camera Club ventured out into the heat and humidity for a field trip to Studio 80+ in Old Lyme. And it was worth it. What a wonderful find!

There are wooded acres next to a flowing river with one-of-a-kind, creative sculptures of all sizes, shapes and materials that first grab your attention, and then make you want to capture and share the images. There are gardens with beautiful flowers, and even a “secret” garden.

Afterwards, we journeyed to nearby Florence Griswold Museum to take in the beautiful outdoor estate of gardens, barns, architecture and of course, the river. What a day!

Our next field trip is coming up on Saturday, September 12th to capture the Fall season in Simsbury, Connecticut. Check out the blog. More info to come.

Thanks, Jan for sharing your “Happy Places”!!

To see our trip photos, visit  https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.3196183027126664&type=3