Photo Contest Pro Now Open for May 11 Competition

Photo Contest Pro now open for May 11 Competition


Note: This is a short turnaround time because our competition is on the 2nd Monday, 
NOT the 4th Monday. Get your images together soon.

The competition will be on Monday, May 11, at 7 PM. Entries are due by Friday, May 8, at 11:59 PM

Images can be 1400 pixels wide and 1050 pixels high. This change is in keeping with

the New England Camera Club Council which has changed its image sizes for interclub competitions.


Here are some examples of images which can be submitted this year:

a landscape which is 1400 x 1050

a vertical which is 800 x 1050

a square image which is 1050 x 1050

Note that the vertical dimension cannot be more than 1050.


If you accidentally forget to resize your images, Photo Contest Pro may still accept

them if they are not too far off. However, everyone should strive to resize their images to conform to the guidelines.

Don't wait until the last minute to submit your images.

One last reminder - The assigned subject for May is Seascapes.


We are going to run the competition LIVE as a zoom meeting. Details will follow.


Also, images from the April 27 competition have now been posted on the New Haven 
Camera Club website.