
See everyone Monday!

A print table will be set up for prints to be brought in for viewing on competition nights. NHCC members may bring in any size, matted or unmatted printed photographs to be viewed by members at the monthly meetings. Scott Hudson, MaryEllen O'Donnell and Barbara Vietzke are in charge of this print table. They will put out red solo cups and hand out voting slips so that each member can place their vote into the cup corresponding to the photo that they want for member's choice that month. A ribbon will be awarded for member's choice for prints each month.

Please note: NHCC IS still competing in NECCC interclub print competition this month. Scott will be collecting prints (11x14) matted to 16x20 and/or asking digital makers to print  images competed during the year for entry into the interclub competition.
We encourage people to share their printed photographs!