Sunset Photos at Hammonasset State Park

New Haven Camera Club
Loosey – Goosey Field Trip
Sunset Photos at Hammonasset State Park
1288 Boston Post Rd, Madison, CT
Group Leader:  Jan Doyle

Monday, August 29, 2016 (No Rain Date)
Do you remember Joe DiChello?  He loved to go to Hammonasset  State Park for award winning sunset photos.  Well, I was thinking of him and I thought why not run a trip for the NHCC.

Basic Trip:
Monday , August 29, 2016 at 6:45- 7:45 PM      
We arrive at Hammonasset Beach State Park, 1288 Boston Post Rd, Madison, CT  for sunsets at Meigs Point.  If you have never been there before, follow the signs to Meigs Point.  But, don’t turn left into the parking lot.  Continue straight to the end. We will meet in this final parking lot.  Then, we will take a very short walk to the beach.   I hope we have tons of fisherman going back and forth on the stone wall to silhouette against the setting sun.
Better yet, does anyone have children or spouses they can bring along to model with a bucket, fishing pole or even a bike?  Let me know.  Because that would be wonderful.  If not, we will take out chances with the fisherman.

Want to eat, talk and laugh?
5:30 PM:   Meet at Lenny and Joe’s Fish Tale, 1301 Boston Post Road, Madison, CT.   by                    the front door.   (Email me and let me know you are coming.) Jan Doyle

6:30 PM:   Leave for Meig’s Point at Hammonasset Beach

It gets better!!!
After Our Award Winning Sunset Photos:  Back to  Lenny’s and Joes for an ice cream cone.  (I felt it was my duty to make sure this was a good place for camera club people to go, so I tried their ice cream.  Yep, a small chocolate cone dipped in chocolate was perfect.  I would give it a ten, just sayin’)

The field trip committee  love to have you join the group for any part of the trip.  You do not have to commit to all three events.  Pick and choose what is right for you.  Just let me know what you will be attending so I can keep an eye out for you.  (email: or call 203.481.9531)

Hope to See Ya!!!