member's spotlight Beth Stanton

Welcome Beth!

Member's spotlight

New members, let us spotlight you, send me the following, along with 3-4 images
Name: Beth Stanton
Spouse: David
Children: none
Pets: none
Profession: Pharmacist
Favorite comfort food: pasta with butter, seasoned salt and parmesan cheese
Favorite childhood memory: many, but one is camping with my family
My other hobbies include: I’m kind of schizophrenic with crafts in general as a hobby, but I’m not good at any one of them.
Prized Possession: right now, maybe my iPad
I’ve never been able to: take a year off just to travel
I’d give anything to have met: Frida Kahlo
Major personal accomplishments: hiking the Inca Trail was pretty awesome
Three words that best describe me: organized, honest, inquisitive
My personal goals are: live a happy healthy life, travel and spend time with friends/family

My Camera: Canon 5Ti
Year that I joined NHCC: 2015
I am also a member of (other photo clubs): None
The reason I joined the NHCC: to learn more about photography and how to use my camera
Positions held (photography related): none
Favorite Photography Subject matter: landscape and nature
Favorite photography trip: Galapagos
The best part of being a photographer is: capturing a moment in time
I became interested in photography when… my Dad shared his interest in photography
My advice to other photographers is: just take a LOT of pictures

What is something about you that NHCC members do not know? How little I know about photography