End of Year Competition - Class A and B Electronic

End of Year Competition - Class A and B Electronic

Prints and cumulative scores and cumulative score winners will be posted as soon as they are emailed to me.

Print makers, if your print won tonight please send me the electronic file.

First place electronic winners, please send me a high resolution file for the brochure.

Class A Electronic

NHCC Electronic Image of the Year

Victor Krasenics, Jr
"Milky Way over Square Pond"

First Place, Class A
Victor Krasenics, Jr
"Milky Way over Square Pond"

Second Place, Class A
Lisa Cuchara "Gears"

Third Place, Class A
Lisa Cuchara "Hope Spring comes in soo fast its Smokin"

Class B Electronic

First Place
David Liang "My Cup of Tea"

Second Place
David Liang "Piper in the Park"

Third Place
James Dionne "Excalibur at Night"