Monday April 14th Greg Lessard presents "Communicating Your Inner Spirit Through Photography"

Monday April 14th  Greg Lessard presents "Communicating Your Inner Spirit Through Photography" at the New Haven Camera Club (Whitney Center, Cultural Arts Center, 200 Leeder Hill Drive, Hamden)

"This is perhaps my most unique and dynamic workshop. I start by offering some thoughts on how to prepare yourself to communicate through photography. Then I show five examples of my images and discuss how I created them and the thought process behind them. I conclude with a slide show of images from the southwest while I play a Native American Flute as musical accompaniment. It is truly a moving experience."

Greg will also be leading a moving water workshop Sunday May 18th at Stepstone Falls in Rhode Island/ Meet at 2pm $40. Please bring a check for $40, made out to Greg Lessard to the 4/14 meeting or mail a check for $40, made out to Greg Lessard, to Lisa Cuchara 60 Braeside drive Hamden, CT 06514.

Greg Lessard is a landscape artist with a passion for capturing profound moments in nature. Largely a self-taught photographer, Greg picked up a camera in his early twenties with the simple hope of sharing his discoveries with others. Through years of dedication and devotion to his craft, Greg has become an artist with a unique vision and talent. He is able to engage the viewer and evoke powerful emotional responses with his art.  “What started off with two hand-me-down cameras… has now expanded into almost three rooms of his home. Greg Lessard… is an avid, able photographer whose forte is capturing Mother Nature in her most magical moments. " Greg resides with his beautiful wife Brenda in Eastern Massachusetts, on the shores of Lake Navaho.

“From the grand vista on top of a high mountain at sunset to the minute detail of a sugar maple leaf in fall, my eye explores a myriad of sights and colors. The infinite variety leads my soul to search for solace. While on that journey I often thank God for the glory that He has created. Witnessing His beauty allows me to transcend from the ordinary to a place of peace and harmony. By sharing my artwork, I truly hope that you may also transcend from the mundane and find your solace. Enjoy the journey.”

Winter Reflection - ID: 1530166 © Greg  Lessard

dsc 4083-1w - ID: 12117484 © Greg  Lessard