Bring your check for the Greg Lessard workshop on Monday to sign up

Bring your check for the Greg Lessard workshop on Monday to sign up

Greg Lessard moving water workshop Sunday May 18th at Stepstone Falls

Greg Lessard will be leading a moving water workshop Sunday May 18th at Stepstone Falls in Rhode Island/ Meet at 2pm $40. 

To register please mail a check for $40, made out to Greg Lessard, to Lisa Cuchara (email me  at for my address) 

"This is perhaps my most unique and dynamic workshop. I start by offering some thoughts on how to prepare yourself to communicate through photography. Then I show five examples of my images and discuss how I created them and the thought process behind them. I conclude with a slide show of images from the southwest while I play a Native American Flute as musical accompaniment. It is truly a moving experience."

Greg will also be leading a moving water workshop Sunday May 18th at Stepstone Falls in Rhode Island/ Meet at 2pm $40. Please bring a check for $40, made out to Greg Lessard to the 4/14 meeting or mail a check for $40, made out to Greg Lessard, to Lisa Cuchara 60 Braeside drive Hamden, CT 06514.