member's spotlight: Simmie Reagor

Name: Simmie Reagor (Simmie rhymes with Jimmie)
Spouse: Tami Reagor
Children: None yet
Pets: 1 fish
Profession: Senior Windows System Engineer/System Administrator (I work in IT)
Favorite comfort food: Meatloaf with a kick
Favorite childhood memory: I don’t know, I haven’t grown up yet
My other hobbies include: Computers
Prized Possession: Nothing Really, it’s all replaceable
I’ve never been able to: Get my wife into photography J
I’d give anything to have met: My Grandfather on my Father’s Side
Major personal accomplishments: Many minor ones but nothing that I consider Major, yet
Three words that best describe me: Patient, listener, results
My personal goals are: Improve my photography, amass a small fortune, retire in San Diego

My Camera: Nikon D7000
Year that I joined NHCC: 2014
I am also a member of (other photo clubs): N/A
The reason I joined the NHCC: Meet other photographers, see others work, have my work seen, make new friends
Positions held (photography related): N/A
Favorite Photography Subject matter: Landscapes, Nature
Favorite photography trip: N/A
The best part of being a photographer is: Personal time to slow down, reflect and see what’s around me
I became interested in photography when…  I got my first Polaroid camera.  I dabbled in and out of photography until I began shooting seriously in 2012
My advice to other photographers is: Shoot, shoot, then shoot some more but always shoot what you love
What is something about you that NHCC members do not know? At this point, everything