Help Needed -- backup person for Raffle
Help needed! We need a backup person for selling raffle tickets at the NHCC meetings. Linda Thomas does a great job! but when she is not there we do not have a raffle.
Our raffle helps to keep our dues low and our speakers coming. We typically bring in ~$600 a year (15 "regular" meetings at $35-$50 per meeting) in raffles, which can cover equipment expenses and speakers. This year to date we are way below our average so we could really use some help!
Help needed! We need a backup person for selling raffle tickets at the NHCC meetings. Linda Thomas does a great job! but when she is not there we do not have a raffle.
Our raffle helps to keep our dues low and our speakers coming. We typically bring in ~$600 a year (15 "regular" meetings at $35-$50 per meeting) in raffles, which can cover equipment expenses and speakers. This year to date we are way below our average so we could really use some help!