Image Critique Workshop
Monday, Nov. 4, 2013 @ 7PM
Bill Barnett’s home in Milford CT
Limited to 5 participants
Margo Bury attended this workshop last year and wrote a testimonial about her experience. She did a much better job of describing it than I could, so it appears here:
“One of the best benefits of the New Haven Camera Club is the opportunity to become a better photographer. There are many ways that the club provides these opportunities, and attending workshops to learn new skills or enhance existing ones is one of the best.
The best part of our highly qualified membership is their willingness to share their knowledge. Bill Barnett is one of those generous top rated award winning photographers. He is once again offering to open his home to a small group of club members to provide individual critiques of their work. Each person is invited to bring three groups of five photos on a flash drive which Bill then loads into his computer to be projected onto a large monitor. He opens the discussion by stating what he likes about each photo, what he doesn’t like about each image, what could have been done to have taken a better image, and what could be done to process the image to improve it.
That by itself is instructive enough, but, as they say – a picture is worth a thousand words! He proceeds to SHOW you what it looks like. For example when he says the image should be brighter, he brightens it. If cropping would be the improvement, he crops it. The original image is retained and he switches back and forth so you can see the change in the image. By this time on the first image the group is starting to get pretty excited about the improvement in the image and chimes into the conversation. Now you are getting feedback from four more photographers through a constructive dialog.
He rotates through all of the images so everyone gets their images reviewed. How many he can complete before the evening is over, depends on how many people are there and how lengthy the conversations goes on.
No more wondering why you only got 21 out of 30 points when the judge’s comments are “This is a pleasing image”, “I like it”, “nice composition”, and so on. Now you will know for certain. There are valuable lessons to be learned from your own work and the work of the others. This is a workshop not to be missed.”
-Margo Butry
You can sign up for this workshop at a Camera Club meeting, or email Joan at Please include your name, phone number and email address. Directions to Bill’s home will be sent to participants approximately one week prior to the workshop.
The workshop is free, but you must be a NHCC member (paid your 2013-14 dues) to attend.