Deadline tomorrow for EOY entries

Send an email with NHCC EOY Images to Denise Saldana at by midnight Friday May 31st. Include the what contest you are entering (class B open, Class A open, Sibley-Nature, DiChello-sea/landscapes or Creative and (1) the title of the competed imagethe month that the image was competed (Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr or May) and contest that the image was competed  in (class A, B, assigned subject or creative).

End of Year (EOY) Photo Contest on June 3rd 

Send the following to Denise Saldana at by midnight Friday May 31st.

Send the titlemonth (Sept, Oct, Nov, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr or May) and contest (class A, B, assigned subject or creative) of the images to Denise.

Open Class A or B: 4 images

These images must have been entered in the Open (class A or B) or Assigned Subject electronic competition in the 2012-13 season.

Creative (Image Artistry): 2 images

These images must have been entered in the Creative (Image Artistry) category in the 2012-13 season

Jane Sibley Nature*: 2 images

Joe DiChello Landscape/Seascape*: 2 images 

*These images must have been entered in the Print**, Class A, Class B, Assigned Subject or Creative (Image Artistry) category in the 2012-13 season.

If you would like to compete a Print in the Nature or Landscape/Seascape competition (instead of the print competition) then you must email the actual image file (maximum sized 1024x1024 JPG) used to make the print (no further editing can be done, the image must be the same one entered in print competition) to Denise.

You can also bring 4 prints that were competed this year. There will be two piles when you walk in, class B or class A. Put your images into the appropriate pile.

Note: no image can be entered into more than 1 category (for example, you must choose electronic or Nature).