New Haven Camera Club Meeting October 8th 2012
Be sure to join us at our October 8th meeting when Richard Castiglione, Craftsman Photographer, will speak on basic portraiture and portrait lighting. Richard is Past President of the Connecticut Professional Photographers Association. He has been photographing weddings, sports and done lots of studio photography since 1970.
He has had speaking engagements and taught in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Cape Cod, New York, Texas and Ohio.
Laura Parisi will be working with her dad to present this program. Laura has grown up in a photographic environment, so a lot of this comes naturally to her. She has also photographed some weddings, taught photography, is curious and excited about photography, and loves to share her knowledge.
The October 8th meeting
This Portrait Lighting and Posing program will be an overview of posing people and basic portraiture using simple flash lighting equipment and small soft boxes to reduce harsh lighting from the conventional flash. We will also cover lighting that will simulate the sun and how to modify the harsh shadows.
Please bring your camera because we will have 3 stations for photographing our models.
Please be prepared to set your camera on manual exposure. Bring your camera manual for reference if you are uncertain about how to make these settings.
We will cover:
Posing people
The importance of catch lights in the eyes and how to achieve them
How you can make a backdrop with simple items
Why you would want to use a flash bracket instead of a flash on top of the camera
Lighting ratios on the face and how to achieve them
The difference between hard light and soft light
Different ways to light the background
This promises to be a very interesting and informative evening. Be sure to join us.