"Shooting" the Lupines in New Hampshire

"Shooting" the Lupines in New Hampshire
WHEN:  June 8, 9, 10  2012
WHERE: Woodsville, New Hampshire
We have held 8 rooms at a local motel until May 21st.  Those who would like to go must sign up first and I will email the motel information to you.  Then you call and make your reservations. 
Please be aware that there is a one week cancellation policy at this time of year because of local graduations and other activities.  The prices range from $87.00 to $108, plus tax.  If you miss the deadline of May 21st, the motel can not guarantee that a room will be available.   
So, look at your calendars and consider signing up for a fun filled weekend and the opportunity to take many beautiful photos - perhaps some award winning !! 
To sign up, please contact me at ayost4@aol.com or call at 203-931-9943.