Fall NECCC Digital Slide Interclub Competitions.

Dear Club Members,

The following images were used to represent the Club in the Fall NECCC Digital Slide Interclub Competitions.

Pictorial Class A:

Cuchara, Lisa; Yale Doors and Locks; 22
Doyle, Jan; Who Me; 23; HM
Naumann. Susan; Calla Lily Bouquet; 23 HM
SaldaƱa, Denise; Saw-Whet Owl; 25; 2nd
In this competition each judge scores 3 to 9 for a range of 9 to 27. The first place image received 27 and Denise was in a 3-way tie for second with 25.

Nature Class A:
Antov, Andrey; Eternity; 22
Cuchara, Lisa; Osprey Adult Juvenile; 21
Cuchara, Tom; Mama and Papa Blue Bird; 22
Prestash, Gary; Cedar Waxwing on Crabappple Tree; 26; 1st

Overall in this first competition in the Pictorial category we were tied with Greater Lynn for second place with 93 points. Charter Oak was in first place with 95 points. In the Nature category Gateway and Greater Lynn were tied for first with 92 points and we were tied with Nashoba Valley for 3rd with 91 points.
The first place image received by Gary Prestash received 26 points (no tie).
A special thanks to Gary Prestash who recruited the images for nature that met the PSA definition.
Best regards,