Easy Directions for Filing, Sizing, Titling Images for Competition
Photographs must be submitted as JPEG images with the .jpg extension.
Convert the photograph to the sRGB color space. Your images may already be in that color space. If the color of your images seems off when they are projected, you may want to check this.
Our projector requires that images be no more than 1024 WIDE and no more than 768 HIGH. (If you submit a vertical image, it will typically be approximately 500 wide to allow it to be 768 high.) See illustrations.
Convert the photograph to the sRGB color space. Your images may already be in that color space. If the color of your images seems off when they are projected, you may want to check this.
Our projector requires that images be no more than 1024 WIDE and no more than 768 HIGH. (If you submit a vertical image, it will typically be approximately 500 wide to allow it to be 768 high.) See illustrations.

From looking at the illustrations, you can see that images which are vertical or square will be smaller than horizontal images.
Titles - Please use the following format.
Class&Image Number$LastName$FirstName$Title$Year-month (numeral).jpg
Examples B1$Jones$Bill$Red_Skier$2009-11.jpg
S is used for the assigned subject.
Do not leave any spaces. Use the underline character “_”instead of spaces.
Note: Your computer may automatically put .jpg at the end of the title. If that is the case, you should not put .jpg at the end or you will end up with .jpg.jpg
Look carefully at your completed title to make sure that it is correct.
Have you used the dollar sign $ to separate fields?
Class&Image Number$LastName$FirstName$Title$Year-month (numeral).jpg
Examples B1$Jones$Bill$Red_Skier$2009-11.jpg
S is used for the assigned subject.
Do not leave any spaces. Use the underline character “_”instead of spaces.
Note: Your computer may automatically put .jpg at the end of the title. If that is the case, you should not put .jpg at the end or you will end up with .jpg.jpg
Look carefully at your completed title to make sure that it is correct.
Have you used the dollar sign $ to separate fields?
Have you used the underline “_” between words in the title?
Are the year and month correct?
Does it end in .jpg ?
Attach your images to an email and send to nhccwin@yahoo.com
Organization Hint: Make a folder for NHCC Possible Comp images. These should be duplicates of your better photographs. Make another folder for NHCC Competition 2009-10. Don’t put anything into this folder unless it is sized correctly and titled correctly. When you open this folder, all of your images will be in the same format and you can simply copy what you have
previously done.
I hope this helps. Paul Peterson pmjpeterson@sbcglobal.net