Winning Image from Last night's competition

Wow, that was fast! I think that this will be a nice new feature of the Blog! This is the winning image from Electronic Class A ~Lisa

Hi Lisa, Attached is my winning image from last night.

I'm not sure what the flower is called. Carmel bought a couple of plants and had them on our front porch. I picked a flower which had yellow stamens showing.

I set it up indoors using diffused window light. Blue matboard simulated the sky. I probably used a little fill flash. I really like the way the stamens form a yellow crown around the center of the flower. Paul
I hope that three other winners also email me their images for display here along with some basic information about the picture. Where did you take it? What time of day? what season? What camera? what settings? what lense? tripod? Why did you take it? What makes it special to you?