NEW HAVEN CAMERA CLUB Schedule 2008-09
The 08-09 NHCC season is almost upon us and we are looking forward to seeing all of you on Sept 8th for our first program.
The New Haven Camera Club website has been updated:
The membership form is available. In order to compete, join us on field trips, attend workshops, etc. you must be a paid member. Guests are always welcome to attend meetings.
Please fill out the membership form and send Harold your membership dues:
The assigned subjects were posted back in June:
The programs are now listed:
Please review the NHCC handbook for competition rules (and changes for the 08-09 season)
The most dramatic changes that will take place this season:
(1) a new email adress for competitions Deadline midnight Sept 19th for our first competition and
(2) the changes to the assigned subject competition (blogged here in July)
September 8, 2008 -- "Waterways of the Czars"
by Kathy Katz and Sandy Sanderson
A photo journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow
September 22, 2008 -- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Children"
October 13, 2008 -- "Magic Moments at Mohonk" & "Quabbin - For the Joy of It"
by Les Campbell
Two of Les' favorite places to capture beautiful pictures
October 27, 2008 -- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Railroads"
November 10, 2008
New England Camera Club Council Interclub Color Print Competition 2008-09
Judging of color prints from clubs in New England
November 24, 2008-- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Sunset/Sunrise"
December 8, 2008 -- Annual Holiday Party and Mini Digital Shows by Members
January 12, 2009 -- "What You See is What You Get!"
by Victor Krasenics
Exploring how to get your film & digital photos to look the way you saw the scene
January 26, 2009 -- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Boats/Ships"
February 9, 2009 -- "Image Enhancement & Optimization: Photoshop CS3 Workflow"
by George Fellner
A power point presentation as well as a demonstration using Photoshop CS3 focusing on basis adjustments made to all images to enhance the quality of the photo
February 23, 2009 -- Open Competition, Special Category "Abstracts"
March 9, 2009 -- "New Haven Camera Club Goes Out West"
by NHCC members
A show combining the work of NHCC members who traveled to Death Valley, Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon and Sedona.
March 23, 2009 -- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Motion/Blur"
April 13, 2009 -- "White Reveals, Black Conceals: Masking Your Way to a Better Photograph"
by Lisa and Tom Cuchara
Learn how to use layers & masks in Photoshop to enhance your images (exposure, dodging & burning, blurring the background, selective coloring & selective focus)
April 27, 2009 -- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Patterns/Textures"
May 11, 2009 -- Open Competition, plus a Special Category "Architecture"
June 8, 2009 -- End of the Year Competition; Annual Year End Awards Banquet