March 2024 Photo Challenge ~ Almost Spring !

March  2024 Photo Challenge – Spring Ahead !!!

                    March Madness !

Spring, though not quite here, is on her way.  The challenge for March is to find and photograph those things that are ‘almost’ Spring , have the essence of Spring, bring to mind that it’s almost Spring.  It can be anything from little league practices to a budding birds nest, new growth on the Forest floor, etc…

Out from the blanket of Winter

Families getting ready

Please submit anywhere between 5 & 7  pictures to Joanne Marinaccio ( by no later than 3/30/2024.  Of course earlier is fine.  Photos should be sized in the usual NHCC format of 1400 x 1050 and named as follows: jmarinaccio_01, jmarinaccio_02 etc. Also as Jpegs.