2010-2011 NHCC Score Summary promotions to class A

Congratulations to Denise Saldana and Dewey Ewing who earned high cunmulative scores for open electronic and prints, respectively, and who were promoted to class A in open electronic and prints!

I have copied and pasted the summary below but the best of 12 and total cumulatives scores and in prettier pdf formats on the website: http://www.newhavencameraclub.org/scores.htm

2010-2011 NHCC Score Summary

Last Name First Name Sum Count Ave

Electronic A

Prestash Gary 314 12 26.17
Cuchara Lisa 311 12 25.92
Peterson Paul 305 12 25.42
Antov Andrey 304 12 25.33
Balen Joan 304 12 25.33
Barnett William 295 12 24.58
Gilroy Frank 295 12 24.58
Naumann Susan 295 12 24.58
Asarisi Richard 294 12 24.50
Brinckerhoff Linda 292 12 24.33
Krasenics Victor 291 12 24.25
Cuchara Tom 288 12 24.00
Vietzke Barbara 287 12 23.92
Yost Art 269 12 22.42

Electronic B
Saldana Denise 304 12 25.33
Parisi Bob 295 12 24.58
Anestis Stephanie 282 12 23.50
Haskes Charles 282 12 23.50
Brooks Tom 281 12 23.42
Dionne James 280 12 23.33
Rosenthal Fred 277 12 23.08
Prestash Fran 274 12 22.83
D'Amico Ron 272 12 22.67
Messina Jo-Ann 270 12 22.50
Ziemba Rich 270 12 22.50
O'Donnell Mary Ellen 267 12 22.25
Hoikala Bill 263 12 21.92
Ewing Dewey 262 12 21.83
Messina Laura 262 12 21.83

Electronic S
Peterson Paul 246 10 24.60
Naumann Susan 239 10 23.90
Brooks Tom 238 10 23.80
Saldana Denise 234 10 23.40
Cuchara Lisa 232 10 23.20
Krasenics Vic 232 10 23.20
Brinckerhoff Linda 226 10 22.60
Harper Bruce 226 10 22.60
Anestis Stephanie 225 10 22.50
Dionne James 225 10 22.50
Cuchara Tom 224 10 22.40
O'Donnell Mary Ellen 222 10 22.20
Liang David 221 10 22.10
D'Amico Ron 218 10 21.80
Ewing Dewey 208 10 20.80

Prints A
Gilroy Frank 313 12 26.08
Cuchara Lisa 307 12 25.58
Vietzke Barbara 305 12 25.42
Brinckerhoff Linda 304 12 25.33
Cuchara Tom 291 12 24.25
Yost Art 290 12 24.17

Prints B
Ewing Dewey 295 12 24.58
Brooks Tom 281 12 23.42
Rosenthal Fred 273 12 22.75