Easy Close Up Photography – April 11

Easy Close Up Photography – April 11

There is a change to our upcoming schedule. Instead of presenting his program “Easy Photoshop”, Paul Peterson will present “Easy Close Up Photography.” The change has been made because it is felt that the Close Up Photography program will appeal to more of our members. Paul has given programs on close up photography for many years. The program that he will give on April 11 is all new and geared to the digital photographer. However his technique, which relies primarily on natural light, is as easy as ever. Spring is a great time to try close up photography and it is hoped that this program will encourage our members to give it a try.

For those newer members who were looking forward to the “Easy Photoshop” program, Paul would like to run it as a workshop. The informal setting of the workshop will allow for more give and take on the part of participants. Details and sign up will be announced at Monday’s meeting.