Member's Spotlight

We would like to find out more about each other as NHCC members. So we are going to SPOTLIGHT our NHCC members. Please email me (photographer67 [at] a headshot of yourself and answer these questions about yourself.

You can also send along 5 images that you have taken.

Favorite comfort food:
Favorite childhood memory:
My other hobbies include:
Prized Possession:
I’ve never been able to:
I’d give anything to have met:
Major personal accomplishments:
Three words that best describe me:
My personal goals are:

My Camera:
Year that I joined NHCC:
I am also a member of (other photo clubs):
The reason I joined the NHCC:
Positions held (photography related):
Favorite Photography Subject matter:
Favorite photography trip:
The best part of being a photographer is:
I became interested in photography when…
My advice to other photographers is:
What is something about you that NHCC members do not know?